Dealing with homesickness as an expat

Living abroad is a great idea for some people, not so shiny to others. Apart from the motivation each person cross borders, being abroad means being far away from your own country. The country you were born and raised. Living abroad, being a foreigner, has its upsides and downsides, like everything else in life. One of the biggest challenges of being away from the comfort zone of your land is dealing with homesickness.

Chernobyl: the disaster’s mini-series that will stick you to the screen

Before being a show, Chernobyl is the reality of humanity. No one is perfect and all the behaviors of humans have consequences. When politics get mixed with strong ideas, values and a culture that wants undeniably to state its position in the world, not being humble and ignoring scientific facts can lead to a catastrophe. That is exactly what happened in 1986, in the Soviet Union. In the early morning hours of the 26th of April, an explosion at the Chernobyl’s nuclear power plant becomes one of the world’s worst man-made catastrophes. Thanks to a simulated power-failure exercise, design flaws, human incompetence and inability to stop a domino effect, ignoring science, one of the reactors of the nuclear station exploded.

Visiting Ypres in Belgium: what to do?

Ypres, also known as Ieper in Dutch, is a city in West Flanders that doesn’t let anyone forget the tracks of the war, with its haunting past. It is believed that 300,000 soldiers lost their lives on the front line of the war, known as the Salient.

Anger can threaten your health and shorten your life

Anger is an emotion that all human beings on earth had the chance to experience. Either if it is light or strong anger. This is not a pleasant emotion and it can consume you over time, by exploding all at once, blinding your daily life. The feeling that you have no control over your life might be the reflection of something wrong inside yourself, such as the experience of feeling angry. As an emotion that people can carry for long periods of time, it can bring stress and exhaustion.

How to Deal with the Empty Nest Syndrome

When people talk about children and kids, they often refer to them as babies, toddlers or teenagers. Sometimes, we all forget that the day they are becoming grown-ups will come, faster than we think. Even though they will always be our little ones, whose mission to protect will last forever, they will fly on their own.

7 reasons why you should visit Douro Valley in Portugal

Portugal is not only known because of Cristiano Ronaldo but also because of its history, wine, food, amazing sunny weather and all the mountain, beach, flat and forest landscapes. Prices are usually described as cheap and affordable compared to other destinations all over Europe. If you visit it, one thing is for certain. The feeling of wanting to come back will grow within your deepest desires.