The eyes of the YOUth are the Voice

It was a pleasure taking pictures, doing the management of the social media and building this video about the YOUth are the Voice training course. I love what I do and the result makes me really proud and happy of having the chance of doing what I do. I hope all of you enjoy 🙂 …

Seinäjoki: Capital of Space

"The dream of Seinäjoki has always been to be able to fulfill the dreams of its citizens and be the best possible city to live in. This means that we have to have space for dreams of all sizes and shapes, from the smallest wish to the grandest plan."

Welcome to Finland!

The city of Seinäjoki and Lapua received participants from 12 countries to the "YOUth are the Voice" training course. Me, Edoardo and Patrick (all EVS volunteers) decided to make a video of some of the topics we find funny and characteristic about Finns.

Meu querido mês de Agosto

Este Agosto não há caracóis acompanhados por uma Super Bock fresquinha. Não há noites de jantares nas tasquinhas das festas, não há farturas nem correrias para ver o fogo de artifício sob o Rio. Este Agosto não há jantares de verão com a família toda reunida, não há fruta fresca na mesa do avô e da Jacinta, nem traquinices do Tomás.