Finland will always be my home

“Look to this day, for yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today, well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day”. ❤️🇫🇮

Finland will always live in my heart. The people I met, I crossed the path with, adventures, trips, scary moments, happy moments, tears and nostalgia. All of these are kept in my heart. I am a new person today. I couldn’t be the same as when I arrived. I feel more mature but still with so much to learn.

For one year my purpose was being a volunteer and contribute to a better society. Finland welcomed me as its daughter and I really started to feel half Portuguese, half Finnish.

No words could possibly describe this year. 2018 was the year of my life in so many ways. I lived for myself and throughout this, I could also live for others. I learned how to value me but still giving my energy to people, which is what I like to do. I grew up, I fought and I lived.

My heart is full. I am grateful to God and the Universe for all of this. Grateful to people. To places. To all the lessons. May all of the following years be just a bit like this one and I shall live until I die.

Kiitos Suomi! ❤

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