Happiness is the new success. See you tomorrow, Finland.

One country, one place.

A sore heart searching for itself.

A damaged soul by the system and deeply sad, frustrated people.

A wild spirit wanting to break free.

A vision that no else saw but these two eyes.

A mind full of doubts, questions and uncertainties.

Boiling blood full of hope and will.

The courage.

7 months.

Many countries, many places.

A passionate heart that knows.

A relieved soul that found peace within itself.

A wilder spirit breaking free.

More and more visions that no one sees, but only these two eyes.

A mind full of ideas. Full of freedom. Full of choices.

The courage.

7 months.

“When you went to Finland I thought you were going to waste one year of your life. Now I regret my words”.

The conquer.

31st of August. The end of the beginning.

Tomorrow is a new sunrise. A new opportunity.

Always trying to reach something, things that are not visible.

Always reaching and seeking happiness.

Good night, Finland.

Good morning, Inês.


*Picture taken by myself on a beautiful Summer evening.




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